By George Reno
ALL ABOARD – Getting Started – Believe it or not train modeling doesn’t start with purchasing a model train set at all. The first thing you have to do is create an area upon which to place the track, create the scenery, and add other models such as buildings and cars.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to create a complete environment such as this if you’re just starting out, you can simply set up the model train set itself if you prefer.
Creating Your Work Bench
Regardless of how complex you want your first project to be, you’re going to have to have something to set it on as previously mentioned. This can be a table you craft yourself, commonly referred to as a “work bench” among train modelers. Alternately, you could simply purchase a table to use. This can be cheaper with smaller tables but building the work bench yourself maybe more cost effective with larger tables.
It should also be mentioned that building your own work bench tends to give you more options when it comes to adding scenery. A work bench constructed out of plywood with a foam base allows you to more easily add scenery such as buildings or create unique features such as lakes. If this sounds a bit too ambitious for you as a beginner don’t be afraid to keep things simple.
One thing to remember is that how big or how small your work bench is will dictate how big your model train set can be, as well as the surrounding scenery. It is best to have an idea of how large you want the completed work to be before you create your work bench or purchase a table.
Choosing A Model Train Set
Be Patient
Different Techniques for Different Materials
Buildings and Other Objects
Start with Cleaning
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